How like Mr and Mrs Average are you?
26th October 2010
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Just how 'average' are you?  Taking the latest Office for National Statistics data, business analysts are able to create a picture of the average person - have a look through and compare yourself to what the stats say. I suppose there's a chance this will make around half of you happy and the other half less so, but let's see if H&F bucks the average. 
  • The ‘average’ British woman is 40 years and seven months old and has 42 years left to live. If she works full time, she works 34 hours a week, earns £22,151 a year, and is educated up to GCSE A*-C level. If she lives in England or Wales, she will have 1.96 children during her lifetime. If she lives in England, she is 161.6cm tall and weighs 70.2kg

  • The ‘average’ British man is 38 years and 4 months old and has 41 years left to live. If he works full time, he works 39 hours per week and earns £28,270 a year. He is educated up to A-Level standard. If he lives in England, he is 175.3cm tall and weighs 83.6kg

  • When a British family goes shopping, the five items most likely to be put in the typical weekly grocery shopping basket are a two-pint carton of semi-skimmed milk, pre-packed sliced ham, unsweetened breakfast cereal, bacon and a bar of milk chocolate

  • The ‘average’ household size in Great Britain in Q2 2009 was 2.4 people per household compared with 2.9 people per household in 1971


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David W

Member since: 10th July 2012


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