New blog from Lisa Barnwell - when should Kate start a family?
30th April 2011
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From Lisa Barnwell of Me and My Baby Therapy Clinic


I watched the Royal Wedding from my hotel room in Miami and completely loved it! My girlfriends from around the globe were texting me to comment on how beautiful the bride and London looked and it made me so proud to be a Brit!

Lots of comments have been made about the dress (loved it, if a little demure), how gorgeous Pippa looked (stunning I thought and would wear a similar dress to be married in) and just how radiantly happy & relaxed both Kate and William appeared (especially under the circumstances!)

But what I found a little premature was all the comments about the couple starting a family! Perhaps I have been in around Chelsea for too long where the average age of mums seems to be late 30′s or even early 40′s so Kate at 29 has plenty of time but I hope that the couple do have some time together as husband and wife before the pitter patter of little ones as whilst an amazing addition, a child will change their lives forever.

I have so many clients who are thrilled to be parents but certainly miss their time as a couple or as individuals on occasion.  I wish them all the very best wishes and hope they do what is right for them.

For more beautiful pictures and the official photographs from Hugo Burnand see The Telegraph’scoverage here.


Lisa x

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