New Police service lets you see crime stats for your postcode
3rd February 2011
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The Home Office have launched their new crime statistics service today.  The site has been on beta test for a little while and has several times attracted so much interest that it's crashed on four occasions.

What's all the excitement? Well, like a personalised version of Crimewatch, you can now enter a postcode you're interested in (maybe you live there, maybe the estate agent just advised you it's a really quiet area..) and review in detail the crime stats for the previous month.  

Even more like Crimewatch is the feeling it leaves you with.  On the one hand pleased that something is being done and that the stats are available and transparent, on the other hand rather over-informed about the things happening on your doorstep which, if you're anything like me you were until today in blissful ignorance about.

We don't remember the two Burglaries, one Violent Crime Incident and four "other" crimes that apparently happened just beyond our front door in Decmeber but that's what the data tells us.

Depending on your disposition carry on not knowing and staying happy or have a look here and search your postcode.

Well at least now you know exactly how common violent crime is in your area so that you can decide to have nightmares or sleep well.



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David W

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