18th September 2011
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Following publication of revised plans for development of the Hammersmith Town Hall area by King St Developments, a public meeting has been called by Save Our Skyline to rally continuing opposition to the scheme. Now that the formal planning application has been resubmitted with minor amendments, it is vital for all to write now to confirm their objections to this scheme. See below for details of how to resubmit objections.

At the meeting, SOS will be giving updates on the scheme, and advising on how best to make your views count at this critical stage.

The meeting is taking place at 7pm on Tuesday 27 September at Rivercourt Methodist Church, King Street W6, just west of the Town Hall. All are welcome, and are warmly encouraged to come and bring friends, neighbours and relations. This is your last chance to participate and make your views known before the planning meeting (tbc) at which the Council will decide if the scheme can go ahead.

Summary - Revised plans do not address residents’ concerns:

The scheme remains much too dense:

- Riverside tower block reduced from fourteen to ten storeys, but remains taller than existing Town Hall extension, dominating the river setting and 1930s Town Hall

- Taller King Street tower block which was previously given as 52.125 metres (170'11'') in height has now been reduced by ONE inch in the current proposals!

- Classic 1930s cinema still to be demolished, with no arts, culture or entertainment facility to replace it in the new scheme - in contravention of GLA’s stage 1 report

- Still not a single unit of affordable housing in the scheme, despite demolition of 54 units of low-cost housing offered by the Pocklington Trust.

- Blind and vulnerable tenants still to be evicted from Pocklington buildings, with no firm commitment to rehousing, in contravention of new core strategy

- 25% of grassed area of Furnivall Gardens still to be lost to massive access ramps, 5m high, obscuring Town Hall facade

- Scheme still to incorporate unwanted and unnecessary 2,000m2 supermarket to further undermine King Street retailers.

Write again to ensure your views are considered

Although over 700 letters of objection were submitted in an almost unprecedented show of community anger at the earlier scheme, those who continue to oppose the scheme need to write again, reaffirming their opposition to ensure their voice is heard. This could either involve:

- Submitting a revised version of the earlier letter – changing the date would be sufficient
- Sending an email (see contacts below) referencing the previous letter of opposition and confirming that it still stands
- Writing a new letter of opposition, highlighting any new issues

In all cases, it is critical to ensure your name and address are included in order for your letter to carry full weight as an individual objection.
To see a list of points you might raise in your letter, and/or to open a blank email, pre-addressed to all the recipients below, copied to all councillors and ready for you to write your message of objection, please visit our website at

Don't forget to state clearly that you oppose the plans, and be sure to give the planning application reference numbers in your letter:

- Main Planning Application Reference: 2010/03465/FUL
- Listed Building Consent Planning Application Reference: 2010/03466/LBC
- Conservation Area Consent Planning Application Reference: 2010/03467/CAC

Send your letter of objection to:

Susie Saraiva, Case Officer, Planning Department,
Nigel Pallace,  Director of Environment,
Andy Slaughter, MP for Hammersmith,

Please email a copy of your letter to us at

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