we have the best event and conference organiser as a new business member
3rd November 2010
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If there is one activity most of us would wish somebody would just take away from us and sort out…..what do you think it would be?


In business it could be the book keeping perhaps or even the marketing perhaps?  In our home lives maybe childcare or driving long distances?


Whilst it would be great if those tasks (or, as we are more likely to regard them, chores) could be done by other people  the thing we all seem to agree on is that we really want a bit of help with organising events.  It might be a wedding or family celebration, a business meeting or  conference but all of these events have one thing in common - to organise them takes time, skill and patience most of us don't possess.


But we don't want help from somebody who does it for a living because (further research reveals) we think it will cost too much money.


Well WHAHAY Hammersmith and Fulham!!  We have a new business member who is not only one of the most talented event organisers in the UK.  They also have an almost unique business charging model that can end up with you saving money.


I'm absolutely delighted to tell you that Animo-Conferences have joined thebestofhammersmithandfulham.  I hope they wont mind me saying they are absolute event geeks - I've never met a business more passionate about the detail and getting it 100% right for their clients and they couldn't be more highly recommended.


Like I said though, this is a two for one deal - not only do they organise events brilliantly, they can save you real money.


This is taken directly from their web feature on our site.


Did you know that choosing Animo Events Ltd as your Event Organisers could actually save you money?



Most event organisers charge a fee, and then keep commissions that they earn from suppliers as well.



At Animo Events Ltd, we prefer to simply charge a flat fee. We will negotiate commissions and reductions as normal, but these are either paid to you directly, or deducted from your final bill - this allows us to make impartial recommendations to you, and in the case of larger events, the commissions may even be enough for you to pay our bill and have some left over!



Call now for further information or to discuss your event!



07800 969930


At thebestofhammersmithandfulham we've checked out Animo very carefully.  We've spoken to their clients, we've seen their work and I have no hesitation in saying they are the best in their field.  If you are planning an event and really wish you could hand it over to an expert then please give them a call.





About the Author

David W

Member since: 10th July 2012


I'm the owner of thebestof hammersmith and fulham so I get the chance to write about the borough and all the good things I find as I go around talking to businesses. Join in and tell people about...

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