Dog Racing in Harlow

Find the best Dog Racing in Harlow as recommended by local Harlow people in thebestof Harlow's Dog Racing directory.
Spotlight Businesses in Harlow
Harlow Stadium Greyhound Racing
Harlow Stadium, a hidden gem. A night out with family and friends, or entertain business guests in a friendly and relaxing environment, with the thrill of greyhound dog racing included.
Gary B said
Email received from Gary B: Just a small message to say thank you very much for the event you organised last Friday . All my customers , colleagues and friends all enjoyed themselves .

The food was ready when we arrived ,

The bar tab was sorted very easy , and a system organised with your bar staff to ensure no non-party people enjoyed our free drinks at our expense !

The event seemed to run itself quite easily , without much input from myself , so I enjoyed myself more .

Will be in contact in the autumn to organise next Christmas' event with yourself , and kick the Ten-pin Bowling into touch - even if they re-open.

Once again thank you.


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