3rd Exhibition of Wetherby Asda Store Plans
16th October 2012
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The Wetherby Asda store plans are to go on show for a thrid time, the public consultation comes after 80% of people have so far pledged to support the project.

It is now to meet the public and answer questions on Thursday October 18, between 2-7pm, at Crossley Street Primary School in Wetherby.

The store which will create over 200 new jobs and have 25,000 sq ft of retail space, a petrol station and a 265 space car park, will be the first of its kind in Wetherby.

ASDA’s Senior Property Communications Manager, Philip Bartram, said: “We have been very pleased with the feedback to date from local residents but are still committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to learn more about the plans and feed back any comments.

“The fact that over 80 per cent of people have so far pledged support for the proposal is hugely encouraging but there is still a chance for people to have their say.

“We hope that people will come along on the day as the views of the local community are crucial in a proposal such as this.

“Having spoken to hundreds of local residents in person, and also reviewed all of the written comments, it is extremely clear that many people in Wetherby welcome the idea of choice, competition and convenience in the town.

“A new Asda store in Wetherby would greatly benefit both consumers and jobseekers alike, encouraging shoppers to stay local and creating new employment.”

Asda held an initial public exhibition in March of this year at Wetherby Town Hall and a follow-up exhibition last month at Deighton Gates Primary School.

Anyone interested in further information on the Asda proposal can visit the dedicated website www.asdawetherby.com

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