Little Things Your Teenager Will Thank You For
17th December 2015
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  1. Appearance for a teenager is a big deal, it is important for them to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin. So invest in their skin with something that works! Haylie at Eden Skincare is an expert when it comes to teenage skin, acne and resolving cosmetic issues. Haylie uses customised products, treatment and skin cleaning routines. Haylie will provide your teen with all the knowledge and advice they will need to maintain healthy, clear looking skin.  
  2. Teenagers are always on the go so they need to stay refueled. Top tip from The Health Detective is to make sure you provide a form of healthy protein in their diet as they need to sustain energy (e.g. chicken, turkey) and protein is a good way to do this. Not only is protein good for keeping energy levels up, it helps build muscle mass, supports neurological function, aids in digestion, helps to balance hormones keeping their mood upbeat. The list could go on.
  3. Feed their brains! In your child’s teenage years, this is when they have the most pressure to succeed academically. Good quality fish e.g. wild atlantic salmon will get those brains working. Fish contain quality essential fatty acids like Omega 3. The brain is made 60% fatty acids so they need feeding! The Health Detective believes quality really matters when it comes to essential fatty acids, so just any supplement can’t always replace the qualify fatty acids you find in foods such as fish.
  4. For girls, find a good fitting bra. A well fitted bra is a must. Getting good support from a bra can ensure better long term breast health and will also flatter your daughters figure, so it is important to get a balance between fashion and function. Margaret and Jennie at Fit To Bust Too have over 25 years’ experience of fitting bras, so can teach your teen, what a good fitting bra looks and feels like. This is a bit of knowledge to last a lifetime.
  5. Keeping them fit and active. Exercise can boost your energy, improve mood, relieve stress, stimulate better sleep etc. Matts Woods Boot Camps is a good way to blow off some steam in a fun social setting! Teenage years can be very stressful especially when it comes to school, exams seem never ending. It is important for your teenagers to have some down time and have fun! 
About the Author

Alex H

Member since: 26th January 2015

Owner and Managing Director at The Best of Harrogate, lover of shoes, handbags, singing and rugby - but not all at the same time!

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