Kick Start the New Year Detoxing
21st December 2015
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On the 1st of January you are likely to wake up feeling tired, with bloated bellies, with red puffy eyes and a bit of a headache. This is no way to start your new year. The first thing to do is to start detoxing.

What exactly is detoxing?

Detoxing is a way of cleansing the internal organs and body of toxins. Toxins include food waste, poisons, environmental toxins, harmful bacteria as well as other substances such as alcohol, which I’m sure we all have too much of over the festive session.

Is detoxing the right way to go?

There are a variety of pros to detoxing these include:


  • Improves kidney and liver function.
  • Increases energy.
  • Jump starts weight loss program or diet.
  • Stimulating the liver to get rid of the toxins from the body.
  • Promoting removal of toxins through the intestines, kidneys and skin.
  • Improving circulation of the blood,
  • Refuels the body with healthy nutrients.

However, there are some cons to take into consideration. You should also seek medical advice before going on a detox. Better to be safe than sorry.


  • A sudden change in diet can lead to you bloating, gas and maybe diarrhea. This is all due to your body adjusting to your detox diet.
  • Detox can lead to weight lose that means when you revert back to normal eating habits, it can cause rapid weight gain.

Here are a number of detoxing diets:

1. Simple Fruit and Veg Detox

2. Smoothie cleanse

3. Juice Cleanse

4. Sugar Detox

Another important part to detoxing is exercise! My Boot Camps are a great way to do this.

How does exercise help detoxing?

Exercise allows your body to breath, increase blood circulate, stretch and sweat. This is a good way to help your body excrete toxins. Make sure you drink lots of water during exercise, it keeps you keep hydrated, helps flush out toxins and also helps the skin sweat, which filters out the toxins. My Boot Camp is a good way to start the detoxing process. My sessions will help get your heart and breathing rate up which helps the body get rid of toxins, fat and waste in the body.

Another way exercise helps to detoxify the body is by shedding a few pounds. But why is this? Toxins get stored in the fatty tissue of the body. So, when you lose fat, the toxins are released and can be eliminated through the organs such as the kidneys and livers. It also is released through skin by sweating.

You’ve read how important exercise is during a detox, so what are you waiting for? Come along to my Boot Camp sessions. I can get you motivated to help get rid of those unwanted toxins and help you lose some weight and get fitter in 2016! Take a look at my boot camp timetable in a variety of locations such as Knaresborough and Wetherby and come a long to your first free session at Boot Camp.

About the Author

Matt W

Member since: 1st September 2015

Owner of Matt Woods Boot Camps and Personal trainer

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