Police Offer Free Home Security Checks
23rd October 2012
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With the long winter nights looming Wetherby Police are urging people to make sure that their security measures are in place by offering free home security checks.

Wetherby and District Crime Prevention team are also asking people to take advantage of their uPVC door lock replacement program that they're running alongside the security checks.

Chairman Maureen Brewer said "While PCs and PCSOs carry out your requested free home security survey they often find the door locks are not up to the current required standard.

"You will be asked if the Wetherby Crime Panel may call and discuss the replacement service the Crime Panel are carrying out.

"The replacement locks cost £37.50p each and usually only take minutes to change."

Brewer also asked people to take some basic precautions themselves:

Have you checked that your security lights are working properly and that when they switch on they are pointing in the correct direction?

When putting your garden items into storage for the winter did you post code them all?

Have you secured your ladders to the floor or wall with a good padlock?

Do you carry out the school run? If so, do you always make sure your doors and windows are secure, this includes garage doors and side gates so that no one can enter while you are out?

Anyone interested in having a free police survey should contact Wetherby NPT on 0113 285 5374 and leave details or contact Wetherby Police station Monday to Saturday 10:30-4pm. 

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