Sun's out - its all fresh food and BBQs
4th June 2015
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I'm buying local all week, shunning the supermarket so when the sun eventually made an appearance today I was looking forward to discovering some great local fresh food from our local independent retailers.

What a fab day - I met loads of really nice, helpful people, was able to enjoy the sunshine as I walked between shops, and ultimately found much tastier food than I would have found at the supermarket.

First on the list was butchers - Elite Meat have been recommended to The Best of Harrogate several times, so I popped in on my way into Harrogate today. Dirk and Jenny were lovely suggesting the Thai pork steaks for the BBQ at the weekend. They even had a #buylocalselfie too!

Next some fish for tea so I headed for King Road and the highly recommended Ramus Fish Emporium. The display inside of all the fish was stunning and I picked up two small seabass fillets.

Next on the list was veg and Dawn from Regal was on hand to advise me on how to steam some fresh, local asparagus grown in Knaresorough. Apparently the key is to steam asparagus standing up so that the tips don't go too soft. I would not normally pick asparagus and am intrigued to see if I will like it.

Before going to pick up the kdis I popped in to talk about Buy Local with Patrick at Stray FM.

When I eventually got home after being a Mum taxi and almost boiling at the Hydro Pool, I was famished and it was late.

A light supper of Seabass and Asapargus was perfect. ..... so tasty that we forgot to take a picture until we had nearly finished!

About the Author

Alex H

Member since: 26th January 2015

Owner and Managing Director at The Best of Harrogate, lover of shoes, handbags, singing and rugby - but not all at the same time!

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