Why people should buy local in Harrogate
3rd June 2015
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I run a business, have two very busy children and a house to organise and attempt to keep clean. I don’t have a lot of time and it’s so convenient to pop onto my smartphone or laptop of an evening and order my week’s groceries or get everything at in one visit to the supermarket.
However, since promoting local businesses through The Best of Harrogate, I’ve realised how important it is to support our local shops. The landscape of the high street is certainly changing, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important. Yes, we can buy online, order a car, stationary and all our food from one shop via the press of button, but shopping locally is a really enjoyable experience.
You'll find things that you can't find in a supermarket or big store, you'll meet some interesting people, find locally sourced food and most importantly you'll be supporting the local economy because for every £1 spent in a local small store 63p goes back into the local economy vs only 40p if you use a large store.
I have pledged to Buy Local until the 14th June and blog about my experiences. Absolutely NO SUPERMARKETS OR NATIONAL CHAINS
If this blog inspires you to Buy Local we're also giving away £100 to a lucky winner who either pledges to Buy Local or posts a #buylocalselfie with a local business. Please tag @thebestofhgate or post onto our facebook wall.
About the Author

Alex H

Member since: 26th January 2015

Owner and Managing Director at The Best of Harrogate, lover of shoes, handbags, singing and rugby - but not all at the same time!

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