Black Swan Bowling Club Harrogate
Black Swan Bowling Club Harrogate
  • Devonshire Mews, Lime Grove, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG1 4DU
    HG1 4DU
The Black Swan Bowling Club. We are a friendly competitive crown green bowling club located in Harrogate, with a well maintained green and facilities.

Bowls is a sport or hobby that anyone can play. From 8 to 80 yrs, we are open to all members of the community and can offer coaching and tuition provided by accredited coaches.

We are also looking to form links with local clubs and societies to promote the game of crown green bowls and can offer tailored open days and coaching as required.

Located at the rear of Swan on the Stray. Where you can enjoy a drink and good food after a pleasant afternoon or evening bowling.

If you wish to give bowls a try either just for fun socially or are looking to play in our teams, contact the secretary

Social Interaction