Roxeth Manor First and Middle School
Roxeth Manor First and Middle School
  • Eastcote Lane, South Harrow
    HA2 9AG
History: Roxeth Manor First and Middle Schools were built in the early 1930s and are officially described as Community, Co-educational day schools.\r\rCampus: The First and Middle Schools share the site and the building, with the First School occupying the ground floor and the Middle School the upper floor. Rooks Heath College also shares the campus. The First and Middle Schools share two playgrounds. There is a large playing field which the children have the opportunity to use during the summer months.\r\rResources: In addition to classrooms used for basic teaching groups, each school has a resource room, a medical/welfare room, an assembly hall and an ICT Suite.\r\rPhilosophy: Governors, teachers, parents and friends are justly proud of our schools. We strive to maintain a caring community and to pursue the highest standards in all areas of school life. We welcome visitors.\r
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