Baby Sensory is the only class that has specially designed lesson plans to suit babies from birth.
All activities are excellent for developing physical, social and emotional, and language skills, co-ordination, awareness of the world, a love of music and the concentration so needed for further development.
Come along and experience the magic that only Baby Sensory can offer.
Baby Sensory has weekly classes in Hastings and Winchelsea Beach. Every class has been designed specifically for your babies learning and development and each week is entirely different and magical!
Classes fees are £8.00 per week and normally the whole or remainder of the term is required by your first class in order to secure you space. You are welcome to join if the term has started if there are classes available!
3 week tasters are available for NEW CUSTOMERS! We suggest 3 weeks as it can take your baby that long to get used to a routine- they'll soon be loving our signature 'Say Hello to the sun song'!
Pay as you go spaces are available in some classes at a cost of £9.25 per session- please email or DM for details.
Classes are limited to 16 spaces Hastings and 20 Winchelsea, so book earlier to avoid disappointment.
If you are unable to get a space there will be a waiting list in operation for each class.
If you are due to be on holiday on one off the dates and worried about booking a term- please book on and send me the dates you can't make and we can make other provisions if spaces.
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