Haverhill police and town retailers' efforts result in reduced shoplifting over the Christmas period
11th January 2011
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Having seen a significant increase in shoplifting recently, the combined efforts of Haverhill police and town centre retailers resulted in reduced reports of theft in the weeks preceding Christmas 2010.


Police stepped up efforts to cut down on shoplifting, including the arrival of PC Richard Oldroyd, who took on a specific town centre responsibilty.


Having joined Haverhill police in October, PC Oldroyd spent a great deal of time visiting local retailers to discuss security and ways they could deter shoplifters. He was aided by supermarket, Tesco, which shared advice with smaller retailers.


Haverhill police also ran a series of operations before Christmas, which according to PC Oldroyd, had 'an impact'. He stated that town centre retailers were very positive about the increased police presence in Haverhill high street.


The figures speak for themselves - in the run-up to Christmas, only 18 offences of thieving from shops and business premises were reported to Haverhill police. Offenders from 12 of these crimes are currently being dealt with.


What do you think? Have you been encouraged by the increased police presence in the town?

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Elaine C

Member since: 10th July 2012

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