Haverhill Library
Haverhill Library
  • Camps Road, Haverhill, Suffolk
    CB9 8HB
Haverhill Library is open selected hours seven days a week. Click here for opening times.

Haverhill Library Opening times:

Monday: 9am - 1pm

Tuesday: 9am - 7pm

Wednesday: 9am - 1pm, 4pm - 6pm

Thursday: 9am - 7pm

Friday: 12:30pm - 5pm

Saturday: 9am - 4:30pm

Sunday: 10am - 4pm

Did you know?

Books are free to loan from the library, you can take out a maximum of 20 books per week and keep them for three weeks. You can also hire DVDs, Wii/DS games and CDs, gain access to ebooks and access the internet for 2 hours per day, also free of charge! 

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