Country Park in Heanor and Ripley

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Country Park in Heanor and Ripley
Shipley Country Park and Visitor Centre
If you are looking for a great day out in Derbyshire, why not visit Shipley Country Park and Visitor Centre in Heanor and Ripley. Offering something for the whole family, we offer walking, horse riding, angling, jogging, nature trails, events, activities and more! There's even a fabulous coffee shop for you to sit back and relax! For beautiful country parks in Derbyshire, visit today!
Caroline E said
Lots of things to do with the family! Nice play area for the kids and cheesey chip cobs to die for! :-) xxx
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Lots of things to do with the family! Nice play area for the kids and cheesey chip cobs to die for! :-) xxx
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Amber Sound FM
Treetops Hospice
Shipley Country Park and Visitor Centre
Valley CIDS
Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance
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