Are you planning a presentation, some advice from the professionals
7th January 2011
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Hdl Audio Visual Ltd do what they say and provide their services in around Henley on Thames.  With a wealth of experience in the Audio Visual field they have sent us the following advice as we all head back into work raring to go with plans for the New Year.

This is the time of year when groups of people such as families and friends, members of special interest societies and actual and potential business contacts gather together in front of a screen to see someone's pictures or video or powerpoint presentation.

However, a word of advice if you are organising such an event.

Don't assume that all you need to do is order a projector and screen, arrange for the speaker to arrive a few minutes before the event with his data on a lap-top, plug everything up and all will be fine.

Lap-tops and computers present their data in a number of different ways, and a particular computer does not necessarily do so in a way which a particular projector expects. Two separate bits of electronic equipment which have just been introduced can be as uncommunicative as two shy children who have met for the first time, and the operator needs time to adjust the settings to produce an adequate picture.

We had the experience a little while ago of being asked to provide a projector and screen  for a high profile speaker. As usual we asked to be supplied with what we needed to display well in advance, but this did not happen, and inevitably there were problems. And of course it was assumed that the problems were all our fault.

So please allow at least one hour's 'tweaking time'. And don't shoot the operator if you haven't given him a chance to do his job properly!


About the Author

Gill and Phil C

Member since: 9th July 2012

Hi, We are Phil and Gill Chappell. We own the Best of Henley-on-Thames. We live in Henley so would love to hear your views and opinions about all things Henley.

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