Henley transition Town
3rd April 2009
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I am an undergraduate, studying Development for Sustainability at Kingston University and have nearly completed my 2nd year. I am also involved in the Henley Transition Town movement and am keen to combine my research for my dissertation with research for the TT Energy group. I am currently considering ways of establishing the Carbon Footprint of Henley's businesses and at the same time exploring environmental awareness initiatives within Henley's businesses, to find ways that they can save ey whilst also becoming more environmentally friendly and reducing their carbon footprint. I am convinced this is possible from personal experience in my own way of living and from environmental audit work I have undertaken in conjunction with Kingston University and SEEDA. Prior to undertaking a research project in Henley, I would like to conduct preliminary discussions with a range of approximately 10 businesses to assess.

1) Whether there is a will in the town to explore environmental issues

2) How open businesses are willing to be with data & company information (no. staff / bills / waste / travel etc)

3) Find out what the main environmental issues and concerns are from them and what they would like addresssed and need help with.

The aim would be that the research would be beneficial to them in the long run, as well as being of great use to me with my dissertation and the Transition Town group in its quest to reduce the town's carbon footprint.

Charlie Zakks


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Gill and Phil C

Member since: 9th July 2012

Hi, We are Phil and Gill Chappell. We own the Best of Henley-on-Thames. We live in Henley so would love to hear your views and opinions about all things Henley.

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