Body Reset Hertfordshire
  • 1 Glenester Close
    EN11 9LS
Retune your body with Body Reset Hertfordshire. Boost your body’s natural defences with bio resonance therapy in Hoddesdon EN11.

Bio resonance devices from Body Reset Hertfordshire

Affiliated to Axioma Life

Life Expert 3

The Life Expert 3 device offers many possibilities for monitoring what is happening within our bodies. Our bodily organs and systems each ‘resonate’ at a specific frequency range. When within its own range, the organ or system performs well. Outside of its own range, things start to go wrong and illnesses can set in. The Life Expert 3 device can provide tailored bio resonance therapies to help ‘reset’ our bodily organs and systems so that they are able to function better, thus leading to better health. This can be on a preventative level or to address issues identified in a ‘top to toe’ scan.

Many people are using the 3 device on a ‘home clinic’ basis, for the benefit of all the family. Although NOT a medical device, we have access to a panel of doctors that can be consulted regarding the use of tailored bio resonance therapies to help address specific conditions.

Trained bio resonance therapists are able to use the reports generated by the ‘top to toe’ scans to offer therapies and associated lifestyle advice to help clients who are looking to:

  • Reduce pains and niggles
  • Sleep better
  • Improve energy levels
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce acidity
  • And much more!


The reports generated by the Webwellness system allow us to explore not only the general status of 47 of our bodily organs and systems but, putting it simply, we can look at each of these individually to find out:

  • Which are showing signs of inflammation
  • Which are under-performing and need a boost
  • Potential causes of performance ‘outside the norm’


We can also see the potential impact of parasites and toxins – many of which can be addressed by bio resonance therapies.

Other reports include:

  • Body mass index
  • Positive and negative foods based on individual scan results
  • Psychosomatics to show where our minds may be impacting on our physical health


The Life Expert 3 device gives access to a large library of bio resonance programs which can be used with several of our other Webwellness devices to widen the scope and benefits of bio resonance therapies.



Life Expert 3 equipment


Life Balance 2

The Life Balance 2 device offers safe bio resonance therapies ‘on the move’ and has around 300 preloaded programs (many more than its predecessor Life Balance 1). These programs are designed to offer therapies across all of the body’s organs and systems. The device also offers the capacity to download many extra programs, including tailored ‘complexes’ generated by the Life Expert 3 device following a ‘top to toe’ scan.

The Life Balance 2 comes with accessories to allow you to wear it around your neck, put it in a wallet to protect it inside a bag or case, plus an armband to allow it to be worn whilst jogging etc. At about the size of a large smart phone, it can be used conveniently whilst carrying on with much of your daily life.

The Webwellness App allows you to find and run which programs you wish to use, without any need to be directly linked to the Life Expert 3 device. The strength of the therapies offered is not as powerful as with the Life Expert 3 device, but so much more convenient for many.

Although not a medical device, the therapies encourage the elimination of harmful frequencies, together with increasing the body’s defences.



Life Balance 2 with accessories

Life Balance Contact

New to the Webwellness range in 2022 and the first of its kind on the market, the Life Balance Contact device offers a range of preloaded bio resonance programs combining both endogenous and exogenous bio resonance therapies, configured to achieve maximum results in a short period. These are received through a smart phone sized device with bands and electrodes which can be attached to your wrists or ankles.

This means that you can receive bio resonance therapies to either the top or the bottom half of your body without being linked directly to the Life Expert 3 device.

Endogenous therapies give a ‘special treatment’ to the body’s own frequencies, so they can be brought back towards normal range. The frequencies are brought out of the body, treated and returned throughout the length of the program, gradually bringing the body’s organs and systems back towards their ‘normal’ frequencies. This is how Life Balance 2 works.

Exogenous therapies are low intensity external electromagnetic waves which encourage the body’s organs and systems to react to the waves and start to correct themselves. This is how the Life Expert 3 bio resonance therapies work.

The Life Balance Contact device offers a combination of these therapies. Exogenous bio resonance therapy is particularly useful in addressing the elimination of parasites and deep cleansing the body.

Although not a medical device, the therapies available can assist in boosting the immune system and aiding the prevention of many diseases. For those keen to improve their health and wellbeing, Webwellness offers highly effective protocols to maximise the impact of the bio resonance therapy programs.



Life Balance Contact with wrist bands

Life Beauty

The Life Beauty lamp offers blue, yellow and red light therapies, individually and in combination. This allows penetration to different levels of the skin from the same device, opening up many possibilities for effective skin therapies including RF (radio frequency) lifting via the red light mode.

A versatile device for those in the beauty sector and for home cosmetology use within certain guidelines, Life Beauty combines the most effective and safe methods of rejuvenation:

  • RF lifting
  • Phonophoresis
  • Myostimulation
  • Light exposure


Life Beauty is not only beneficial for facial skin. The RF function is also effective in:

  • Burning fat in problem areas
  • Stretch mark correction
  • Elimination of cellulite
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Anti-inflammatory processes
  • Acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation


In yellow light mode, Life Beauty offers benefits including:

  • Firming
  • Improving blood circulation and detoxification
  • Improved ski colour and enrichment with oxygen
  • Soothing of puffy skin
  • Reduction of oedema (fluid retention)


In blue light mode, Life Beauty offers benefits including:

  • Relaxation
  • Soothing
  • Cooling
  • Antipruritic (anti-itching) effects
  • Bactericidal effects
  • Relief from acne issues


Life Beauty can also be used via the Webwellness App where specially compiled programmes are available for:

  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Anti-ageing
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Facial zones
  • RF lifting


Life Beauty can also be used in conjunction with Life Expert 3 to:

  • Run a scan
  • Generate a tailored program (complex)
  • Access specialist programs (subject to proof of competency) from the Webwellness extensive library


In addressing issues on the surface, it is recognised that linked underlying bodily organs and systems may also feel benefits. This can be revealed by ongoing scans via the Life Expert 3 device.

Webwellness offers protocols to maximise the benefits of using Life Beauty.


Life Beauty lamp 

Life Air

Life Air will help you get the cleanest possible air around you in your home or in your car. In just a few minutes, Life Air anionic air sterilizer is capable of cleaning the air from up to 99.9% of viruses, harmful bacteria and impurities.

By saturating the body with oxygen anions (negative charged ions), the body can benefit from:

  • Improved and deeper sleep quality
  • Improved immunity
  • Improved metabolism
  • Longer lasting youthfulness of the skin


Life Air has 3 levels of air flow rate, plus a night mode. When active, a red light indicates the presence of contaminants in the air. When these are dealt with, the light turns green. A blue light indicates rest mode.


Life Air display


Life Air with filter


For more information, please call or text Pam Charman on 07815 767077, or send an email using the link below. 

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