  • 3 Fanshawe Crescent
    SG12 0AR
A scientific, innovative brain based approach to personality profiling that shows you how to identify your natural strengths.

Welcome to Emergentics

A scientific, innovative brain-based approach to personality profiling that shows you how to identify your natural strengths and talent. Charlotte Richardson-Knott Emergenetics Associate

Who you are today is a result of certain characteristics that have emerged from your life experiences, plus the genetics with which you were born. This interplay between nature and nurture is the foundation of EMERGENETICS, a brain-based approach to personality profiling that gives you the keys you need to discover not only your own natural strengths and talents, but also those of others. You will discover your thinking style (Conceptual, Social, Analytical or Structural) and your behavioural set points (your degree of Expressiveness, Assertiveness and Flexibility). These insights help you recognize how you approach new situations, how you get things done, how others see you, how to enhance relationships, and how to communicate with people who are not like you.

Applying EMERGENETICS to the workplace will enable you to make optimal career decisions, boost your creativity and performance, increase profits, make better decisions, assemble 'brain trust' teams, write effective performance reviews, make presentations that appeal to everyone, sell to all kinds of customers and motivate all kinds of employees.

EMERGENETICS offers invaluable insights instantly, and paves the way to personal growth, satisfaction and success.

For more information on Individual Emergenetics Profiles or Emergenetics Workshops for you, your staff, function or family please contact Charlotte on 01920 460 458 or 07858 160133

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