July In The Garden
3rd July 2019
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Usually we can expect July to be one of the hottest months of the year, however, following our wettest June on record, you never know! Should the weather become seasonably warm you will need to make sure your garden is well watered, it is also the time for gathering in some of your fruit and vegetables.

Tips for your garden this month:

  • Make sure baskets, tubs and troughs are especially well watered as they dry out quickly in warm weather. Always water either early in the morning or later in the day when the sun has gone round off of your plants.
  • Keep trimming hedges to keep them looking neat.
  • Feed and prune roses to encourage a second round of flowers. Prune just above a flower bud and use sharp secateurs to prevent damage.
  • Leek seedlings that you started off under cover or indoors can now be planted out.
  • Many other veg can be sowed this month including: beetroot, cauliflower, early carrots, French beans, peas, salad leaves (out of direct sunlight), Swiss Chard, turnips
  • Deadhead annuals and perennials and save seed for next year somewhere dry and dark.
  • Protect berries from birds by covering with a fine mesh.
  • Pick up fallen fruit to prevent pests and check fruit on trees and bushes and harvest before the birds and wasps get to your precious fruit.
  • Check plants for beetles and other pests and remove to protect your plants.
  • Feed container plants more regularly now but be sure not to overfeed and add fertiliser to damp soil as fertiliser is less effective in dry soil.
  • Your lawnmower can be put on a lower setting now.
  • Make sure climbing and tall plants are well supported.
  • Deadhead sweet peas to keep them blooming.

Above is a small selection of the jobs to do in the garden in July as this is one of the busiest in the garden but whatever you decide to do, make sure you leave some time to sit back and enjoy it.

About the Author

Victoria H

Member since: 11th March 2014

My name is Victoria Hunter and I'm a true Hertford person - I went to school in Hertford and grew up here. I understand the importance of bringing trusted businesses and the community together, and believe...

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