Six easy ways to get your business page found on Facebook
1st October 2018
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Facebook is the number one social media platform at the moment, and will probably be so for some time to come. Not only is it great for sharing news and keeping in touch with friends and family, it’s also a very effective marketing platform for your business. First, you need a company Facebook page, though. Fortunately, setting one up is pretty straightforward, but once it’s set up, how do you let people know your page exists? Here are six easy ways to get your Facebook page found, noticed and liked:

  1. Send your website traffic to your Facebook page
    Before you can get any leads or sales from your Facebook page, people need to know that your business is actually on Facebook. One easy way to do this is to add a clickable Facebook icon to your website, which goes straight to your Facebook page. For a higher click-through rate, place the Facebook icon (along with icons for any other SM channels your business is on) in the header area of your webpages.

  2. Add a Facebook link to your email signature
    If you send lots of emails, adding a link to your email signature is a free and effective way of driving traffic to your Facebook page. If you list events on Facebook, you can use a call-to-action format in your email signature. Example: Want to come to our Facebook marketing seminar? Like our page on Facebook!

  3. Send an email to your database
    Let your existing contacts know you’re on Facebook with an email asking them to visit and like your page. You can easily send personalised emails to your database free of charge with an email marketing tool like Mailchimp.

  4. Promote your Facebook page in your shop or reception area
    If you have physical business premises, let customers and other visitors to your shop/office know about your Facebook page, and ask them to like it, of course!

  5. Advertise your Facebook page offline as well by promoting it on your company vehicles, business cards, headed paper, plus receipts and invoices.

  6. Create a Facebook post promoting a competition or tempting offer, target and boost that post to your potential customers, and make your offer or competition entry conditional upon people liking your Facebook page. That should grow your page ‘likes’ nicely.

If you need help driving traffic to your Facebook page, or even setting up your business page in the first place, then we can do this for you, so that you can get on with the important stuff, like running your business. Just give me a call at thebestof Hertford and Ware on 01992 308182!
About the Author

Victoria H

Member since: 11th March 2014

My name is Victoria Hunter and I'm a true Hertford person - I went to school in Hertford and grew up here. I understand the importance of bringing trusted businesses and the community together, and believe...

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