Spring Has Sprung
31st March 2018
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Spring Has Sprung, so fling off the winter blues and enjoy some special days this month.

We are at last out of the long and horrible winter months and well and truly in springtime and I for one am very pleased to see nature showing signs of life and the lighter evenings.

Besides nature at last realising that it’s time to shed the winter gloom and put on her bright clothes, it’s also a time for celebrating one of our most loved holiday times – Easter, well Easter Sunday and Monday at least as Good Friday sneaked into the end of March this year. Easter means many things to many people of course, for some it’s a religious time, for many it’s a time of scoffing chocolate, chasing bunnies and cooing after little chicks.

There’s much more to April in the UK though than this as the following special dates show:

1st April – April Fool’s Day of course for those jesters out there. And Easter Sunday.

2nd Easter Monday and Children’s Book Day. 

4th – 15th – Commonwealth Games, this year Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia.

13th – Friday 13th – lucky for some but not so much for others, depending on how superstitious you are.

21st – The Queen’s birthday – her real one!

22nd – London Marathon - an amazing event whether you are participating or supporting, great for many charities that are supported via this event, not so good for all those poor souls who suffer for all their effort afterwards.

Also on this day is Earth Day – this year focusing on our overuse of plastics and the damage it does to humans and wildlife.  Click on the link for more info: www.earthday.org

23rd – St. George’s Day – a day for celebrating all things English and for all chivalrous men willing to rescue a maiden.  Have a look at this link about making this day a national bank holiday: www.stgeorgesday.com

This day is also Shakespeare Day – great excuse for being poetical on this day. 

25th – World Penguin Day – okay so not specifically a UK day but who could resist these cute smelly birds. Apparently the 25th is roughly the day these amazing birds annually migrate northwards.  Video link: bit.ly/2GJGDsw

Whatever you do this April, we hope that like nature, you are feeling a rise in your sap(!) a spring in your step and good times lay ahead.  

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Victoria H

Member since: 11th March 2014

My name is Victoria Hunter and I'm a true Hertford person - I went to school in Hertford and grew up here. I understand the importance of bringing trusted businesses and the community together, and believe...

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