The Company of Players (CoPS)
The Company of Players (CoPS)
  • Balfour Street, Hertford
COPS performs five productions a season. Each production runs for eight performances, and we also regularly perform at Hertford Theatre Week. \r\rWe aim to present a challenging range of new and old plays, comedy and drama.\r\rDue to our club status tickets are available only to members and their guests. Subscription Rates for membership are £15 per year for full membership and £10 for Friends of CoPs. Students can obtain full membership for £10.\r\rPlay tickets are £8.50 for members and £9.50 for non-members/guests.\r\rOur Youth Group is open to anyone between the ages of 11 and 18. Sessions take place every Sunday from 10am-12pm at The Little Theatre. Each week we cover a variety of topics which are a lot of fun. We only charge £10 a year to cover incidental expenses, and there are no session fees.\r\rwebsite:\remail:\rContact: Mrs Claudia McKelvey on 01992 421815\rYouth Contact: Mrs Betty Janes on 01920 462168
Social Interaction