Your Events...
Hertford and Ware are thriving market towns in East Hertfordshire, with loads of things to see and do throughout the year. Use our handy site to find out what's on in Hertford and Ware, from charity quiz nights, live comedy and sports activities, to dance classes, wedding shows and even ghost walks!
Learning, Education Events
Haunted Hertford
  • Friday 21st March 7:30pm until 9:00pm
An atmospheric guided walk through the ghostly haunted sites of Hertford. View event
Brush up your Shakespeare
  • Monday 21st April 2:00pm until 3:30pm
Take the opportunity to 'Brush up your Shakespeare' on this walk as youexplore life in Hertford in the time of The Bard. View event
Presidents, Pilgrims and Puritans - The American Connection
  • Monday 5th May 2:00pm until 3:30pm
Enjoy a guided walk around the town centre discovering Hertford's many American connections. View event