Sports Injury Clinics in High Wycombe

Find the best Sports Injury Clinics in High Wycombe as recommended by local High Wycombe people in thebestof High Wycombe's Sports Injury Clinics directory.
Spotlight Businesses in High Wycombe
Chiltern Bodymatters Ltd
Mike Ker of Chiltern Bodymatters offers sports injury clinics, health programs, consultations and advice in High Wycombe, Marlow, Beaconsfield, Amersham, Gerrards Cross and throughout the South Bucks and Chiltern district. For full details, please click the 'More Info' button...
Marion J said
I was desperately looking for someone who could help me with my back, neck and knee problems, all made worse by arthritis. Mike is VERY professional and knows what he is talking about. He knows exactly how to keep me on my feet and as for sorting out my neck pain and headaches, there is no one like him! So many people feel they need to go to someone who will crunch their bones to get relief but really the bones are being held together by muscle, so why not go for the root cause! I hope Mike never retires... as I couldn't do without him.
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Holiday Inn - High Wycombe
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Chiltern Bodymatters Ltd
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