Penn School
Penn School
  • Church Rd, High Wycombe, Penn, Buckinghamshire
    HP10 8LZ
Children of secondary school age whose primary difficulty is Speech & Language Difficulties, Autism, Aspergers or Hearing Impairment and whose non-verbal ability falls within the average, or below average range. Children with additional difficulties, including motor difficulties or social interaction problems will also benefit from the provision. Post-16 provision with emphasis on work-related learning, independent living and links with colleges. Specialist facilities The school offers specialist provision to enable full access to a differentiated National Curriculum leading to accreditation at Entry Level and GCSE. Each class (maximum 10 pupils) has an allocated specilist teacher, speech and language therapist, and at least one learning support assistant. Support services provided On-site Occupational Therapists (sensory integration trained) and Physiotherapists support pupils individually and/or in class. Speech and Language staff are integrated into the classroom. There is also a full-time nurse and mental health nurse on-site. All staff are professionally qualified and experienced.
Social Interaction