DATA CLEANSING SERVICES - make sure your data hits the spot!
1st April 2011
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<p>In business we all know that a database is only as good as the data that we put into it.  Even with the most dedicated input when it was originated, <strong>over time databases can become out of date</strong> if they are not properly maintained – a time consuming and potentially costly task.</p> <p>Well, if you are planning for that next BIG marketing campaign over the summer then now could be just the time to make use of <strong><em>Headway B2B</em></strong> and their <strong>data cleaning and marketing services</strong>.  Accurate and up to date data will ensure that it hits the mark and stands a chance of bringing you the return that you expect.  What’s even better, <strong><em>Headway B2B</em></strong> are running a bestof members offer with a massive <strong><a title="Get your bestof member offers voucher NOW." href="" target="_blank">43% OFF their data cleansing services</a>*</strong> during April 2011.</p> <p>What will you get for your money? Typically, Headway B2B will:</p> <ul> <li>check and update the company name, address, telephone number, email address and contact name</li> <li>carry out two further research questions of your choice</li> <li>undertake to make up to 3 attempts to call each record</li> <li>prepare individual call reports</li> <li>produce a summary report.</li> </ul> <p> … and you get <strong>all of this for only £199 for 100 records</strong> (normally £350) or £369 for 200 records (normally £650), plus VAT.</p> <p>Headway will also offer discounted prices during April for different quantities and services if required, on application.</p> <p><span style="font-size: xx-small;">* This Headway B2B special bestof offer for data cleansing and market research applies for business data research only.</span></p> <p>If you would like to find out more about <strong><em>Headway B2B</em></strong> then <a title="Visit the Headway B2B feature on thebestof Hinckley." href="" target="_blank"><strong>visit their feature on thebestofhinckley</strong></a>. Alternatively, to discuss your specific data cleansing  and market research requirements <strong>contact Nigel Knapp on 01455 292 157</strong>.</p> <p>  </p>/96044ed8-206a-4c6b-a274-c0b0e53b86cd.jpg/464b28b1-5ce7-4347-9d3c-3892f6912b6a.jpg
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