DEManding Challenge for Denise - sponsored walk for Cancer Research UK
17th February 2010
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<p>Denise’s <strong>sponsored walk</strong> will be an 84 mile long trek, up hills and down dales along <strong>Hadrian's Wall</strong> and will be carried out <strong>on the 10th May 2010</strong>.  The walk is being planned from West to East and Denise’s hope is that the wind will be at her back to provide a helping hand along the way! As a keen golfer, maybe Denise should just take a golf club and a ball along with her on the walk and just keep hitting it along the path and following it to spur her on!</p> <p>The funds that Denise manages to raise through the sponsored walk (<strong>Denise’s target is to raise £3000.00</strong>) will be going to <strong>Cancer Research UK</strong> and a quick, safe and easy way to donate is through the website <strong><em><a title="Justgiving Cancer Research" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ff99cc;">Justgiving</span></a></em></strong>. Using this site is really the most efficient way to sponsor Denise because it will get your money to Cancer Research UK faster plus, if you are a UK taxpayer then <strong><em><span style="color: #ff99cc;">Justgiving</span></em></strong> will make sure that the 25% in Gift Aid is applied and a 3% supplement added to your donation.</p> <p>CLICK the following link to visit Denise’s Justgiving fundraising page <a href=""><span style="color: #ff99cc;"><strong></strong></span></a> .  All kind donations, however large or small will be much appreciated and help drive Denise closer to her target and just possibly, exceed it.</p> <p>The sponsored walk is a long way removed from Denise’s day job as the owner and Director of <strong><em>DEMand Results</em></strong>, which provides support and guidance to both businesses and individuals on matters of human resource issues, business coaching and personal development training. To find out more about Denise and <a title="DEMand Results Bestof Hinckley feature" href=" " target="_blank"><span style="color: #0000ff;">DEMand Results CLICK here</span></a>.</p>/59f74092-391c-4acc-8fa0-8017d016d9f0.jpg
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