Voice Coach Priscilla Morris on the Road
25th March 2010
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Priscilla started in Burnley on the 6th March 2010 and then a full day delivering a workshop for Coventry City Council on the 8th, immediately followed by judging at a festival in Chipping Norton on the 9th.

The 11th found Priscilla running one of her popular ‘Dynamic Speaking’ advanced presentation skills days at Solihull then down to Berkshire for 2 days judging at the Woodley Festival.

From Woodley to Stamford for 5 days examining in oral communication skills and back down south to judge at the Bromley Festival on the 20th.  The next day Priscilla was delivering one of her ‘Voice Matters’ workshops at the Marriott Hotel, Leicester and the 24th saw her at the Belfry as a keynote speaker at the Independent Association of Will Writers Conference.

To finish the month she had another day judging in Bromley followed by 5 days examining in MALTA!

This is how in-demand you can become as a specialist and International Voice Coach.

The next Loud&Clear! open courses are:

To find out more about the work of Priscilla Morris and Loud&Clear! visit the Loud&Clear! feature on the bestofhnckley. Alternatively, contact Loud&Clear! on 01455 230 317.

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