Museums in Hitchin

Find the best Museums in Hitchin as recommended by local Hitchin people in thebestof Hitchin's Museums directory.
Museums in Hitchin
British Schools Museum
A striking building on Hitchin’s Queen Street, the British Schools Museum gives visitors an inspiring insight into the history of education in the town: children are encouraged to dress as Victorians to get a real taste of school in earlier times and practice writing on slate. The Headmaster’s house is set out authentically in late Victorian style and admission registers are on display for family history research
George S said
We (3 adults) arrived less than 40min before closing, but decided to go ahead with the tour. We were told it would be a bit of a rush and we were the only ones there. The guide and narrator was really excellent. We were quite engrossed all the time. I could go on. Worth every penny. Can't recomment enough.
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