A Snow day but not a slow day
6th January 2010
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I wrote a list of things that needed doing today and with all good intentions, I haven't really got through any of them!  The first was to change over my house and contents insurance.  We are currently with a company who keep sending letters to me for someone who lives up the road - a bit worrying that they have my address against his policy?  I've got a quote from NFU Mutual in Hitchin and just need to sort out the paperwork - lets put that on another list for tomorrow.

Then I remembered that I hadn't checked my Premium Bonds in January and I had a feeling that I must have won big time after all, I've been investing them for 7 years so it must be 'my time' to get lucky!  Guess what?  £50, better than a poke in the eye but realistically i'm never going to get a big return.  Must speak with Susie Bewell from Raymond James Investment Services about investing elsewhere - tomorrows list.

I spent most of the day invoicing and doing the books for December.  I hate it, I've always been rubbish at maths which is why we have accountants (I wish I was better at figures!)  At least they can help guide you through the maze of expenses, what you can and can't claim for, changes in the budget etc.

I had a lovely conversation with Malcolm Taylor from Your Excellency. He and Lindsay are going to run some business coaching taster workshops for us and we are meeting soon to organise dates so if you are interested in what type of person you are and how you might have an impact on others, then watch this space!

One of my long term resolutions which I say I'm going to do every year but never stick to is loose weight!  I'm not a lover of exercise which is a real shame as we've got some great Gyms as members of thebestof hitchin but I am meeting with Alyson Price from Curves next week and one of the things on my list to discuss is her weight loss programme.  I want to lose weight this year as we are going to a Ball in Coventry in April and would love to get a ballgown or evening dress - I will be visiting The White Wardrobe in the next few months to see what they've got (they don't just do wedding dresses you know!)

Ooh, forgot to mention that I spoke to a colleague who works in the travel industry and she is looking into booking us a family holiday.  Not been away for 3 years so I am really exited to see what she comes up with.

It may have been a snow day but it certainly wasn't a slow day!  Still got lots of things on my 'to do' lists though :(

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