Hitchin Volunteer Army
17th December 2013
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Hitchin Volunteer Army is a new Facebook Group for local people who want to give something back to the community in Hitchin.

We collect furniture donations for needy families, rally volunteers for charity projects and help local agencies in any way we can. Set up by local mum Jo Talbot two weeks ago the facebook group already has 128 members, but they'd like more.

Some current projects include collecting new toys for a Santa's Grotto project in Westmill, raising money for Christmas food parcels, furnishing flats for homeless families rehoused by North Herts Homes.

In particular, they really need people with time to help out in the day, volunteer van drivers, and volunteer tradesmen, but anyone can help, no matter in how small a way.

All the projects/families are referred by local agencies as being genuinely in need. Please join the group to see what's going on.
This is social networking at it's very best.

The address is

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