North Herts housing - express your views by 30 March
21st March 2012
... Comments

North Herts District Council has published eight different possible housing growth scenarios of local public consultation: if you care about housing locally and our built environment, you should take a look.

The consultation documents are available online at at libraries in the area and at the Council offices in Letchworth.

The planning group within Hitchin Forum met last week to discuss the proposals and come up with their own response. Take a look at their views here:

Since the deadline for comments is little more than a week away - Friday 30 March - it's important that as many people take a look at the proposals and make their own response.

All the documents you need are available on the links above, so please take a look.

About the Author

Hilary R

Member since: 31st May 2012

Writer and sax player. Brought up in Hitchin and - apart from uni and some ensuing madness of life in London - I've always lived here.

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