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In February 2014, Yvonne A said about Animal Free Research UK
It tells the truth as most experiments conducted on animals are not relevant to human illnesses. It actively supports research into reliable alternatives. I am totally against testing on animals .I'd give it five stars!
In February 2014, Roger W said about The Blue Tree Company
The guys are the brilliant, they come on time they are extremely efficient, and a pleasure to do business with.Not only do they take everything away with minimal fuss but clean up behind them before they go.And better still their prices are very very competitive. Well done lads
In February 2014, Nancy B said about Animal Free Research UK
I love the fact that the Dr Hadwen Trust is conducting medical research without the use of animals. Producing cosmetics, household products and medicines without animal suffering has got to be the greatest goal in a humane society.
In February 2014, R C said about British Schools Museum
This museum is up there with the best because the building and artefacts makes such a great atmosphere and the staff are excellent in role, enthusiastic and knowldegeable
In February 2014, Sophie D said about Animal Free Research UK
I feel so proud to be part of an organisation that focuses on solutions rather than problems. DHT Seems able to understand the fact that animal experiments have been part of the evolution of medical research but now strides forward in supporting alternative solutions for a modern world. It's no longer neccessary to have to choose between being "For" or "Against" medical research involving animals, as they offering alternatives.
In February 2014, Lolly P said about Animal Free Research UK
So many animal lovers focus on the atrocities or problems of animal abuse, which is a negative vibration. The Dr Hadwen Trust focuses on solutions to animal abuse, which is a much more positive vibration, and will help animals enormously. Always think about solutions, and not problems!
In February 2014, peter c said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen Trust is a marvellous charity which is working hard to replace the use of animals in medical experiments with more modern methods.This will have the effect of reducing huge suffering of animals and be beneficial to people too as many experts say that non-animal experiments are much more effective.Their work is therefore of huge importance and deserves to be recognised.
In February 2014, Lesley B said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr. Hadwen Trust is a charity that funds and promotes non-animal techniques to replace animal experiments. Their work develops reliable science whilst avoiding animal testing. Projects receiving funding from the Dr. Hadwen Trust range from epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, breast and skin cancer, meningitis, asthma, diabetes and drug testing, to arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, lung injury, whooping cough, vaccine testing, dentistry, heart disease, tropical illness, fetal development, brain tumors and AIDS.
In February 2014, Dave W said about Woodside Osteopathic Clinic
I can't praise the team at Woodside enough. From the friendly reception when you arrive to the excellent treatment offered by the team at Woodside everything has been considered and expertly delivered. I first went to Woodside because of a sports knee injury (having been offered only pain control advise by my GP). Mark at Woodside worked his magic and I was back on my bike, pain free in short order. I was so impressed that I decided to see if they could do anything for my back which had been excruciatingly painful since a hip replacement 4 years ago. I'm relatively active for my age and stubbornly continue to hit the Gym and ride miles (now that I'm not supposed to run) but 20 minutes of activity and I move like C3PO. Anisha is excellent at identifying the area that needs attention and getting me back to pain free movement. What I also like about them is their honesty - if they are happy with my progression there's no pressure to book another appointment just a friendly 'come and see us if you have any other problems'. Easy 5 stars...
In February 2014, Tierney K said about Animal Free Research UK
This charity is amazing because it aims to help people, but never by means that would hurt animals. The charity has done extensive research in areas such as parkinson's disease and all through humane methods. What can be better, a charity that helps humans and animals.
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