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Local Reviews
In February 2013, Valerie B said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen is one of a very few research institutes which is dedicated to ending the use of animals in experiments. It is actively working to provide new, non-animal methods of research - this is both more humane and also, probably in most cases, able to provide better results for the benefit of humans, since it is well-known among scientists that what works in animals often does not work in human beings. Because of this millions of animal lives are destroyed 'for the sake of it'. Research data is often not shared with other labs. leading to repeated experiments for no reason on these poor, helpless creatures.
In a civilised society there can be no torture, cruelty, abuse or killing of animals in experiments - no debate. Treating animals like that is unspeakable and evil. Dr. Hadwen is leading the way forward towards the end of animal experiments and in the process it is providing research models which give better results for the treatment of human illness and disease. Dr. Hadwen Trust should be admired, congratulated and wholeheartedly supported in every way. My star rating is 5 - the best!
In February 2013, Liz W said about The White Wardrobe
I have been married now for 15 years so have never needed to get a dress from this particular shop, but I do have an 18 year old daughter who has had May Balls and Proms for the past 2 years (very expensive!) I was at my whits end, so popped into the white wardrobe to see if there was anything in there that would make my daughters night a little more special. I was greeted by Nicola, who was very friendly, polite and welcoming, we looked at shoes and dresses and although we didn't find a dress for her, I would highly recommend this particular shop to anyone thinking of getting married as its lovely! I especially like the recently decorated décor! the shop always looks clean and the window displays are updated regularly
In February 2013, Vanessa K said about The Victoria Public House
A real community pub serving a very good selection of real ales, fantastic food, their pie nights are legendary as are the Sunday lunches, service is always very friendly and welcoming, Helen & Nathan behind the bar make you feel especially welcome. An brilliant calendar of live events, the best live bands in town, beer festivals, comedy & even don't find many of these pubs anymore and I'm very proud to be so local to one of the best!
Well done Vic & Nic, you're doing a great job!
In February 2013, Sue H said about Animal Free Research UK
Brilliant organisation doing hugely important work - encouraging the medical community to use alternatives to animal research. Not only saving millions of animals from unnecessary suffering, but also ensuring that treatments being developed are effective on humans rather than animals - so everyone is a winner! Five stars!
In February 2013, Debby W said about Animal Free Research UK
The Trust's work benefits human and non-human animals in several very important ways: By funding humane medical research, it enables cheaper, faster and more accurate results, resulting in improved medical and surgical care for humans. Animal experiments cause untold harm to humans resulting in death or adverse reactions from drugs like Thalidomide, Manoplax, Opren, etc. They also prevent people from benefiting from drugs that would have helped them but proved harmful in tests on other creatures. Vivisection causes unimaginable suffering to the animals and brutalises the people involved. The work of the Dr Hadwen Trust is furthering progress on all fronts: science, compassion and civilisation.
In February 2013, Pauline R said about Animal Free Research UK
I thing the Dr Hadwen Trust is a great charity because it carries out research into a large variety of human diseases without any use of animals. So many people think that animal testing is necessary to find cures to human ailments but the Dr Hadwen Trust has proven time and time again that this is not the case.
In February 2013, Cynthia R said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust gets straight to the heart of the controversial subject of using animals for medical research. What I like about the Trust is that it has moved the argument to a much higher level from the usual debate between the rights and wrongs of animal testing for the advancement of medical research.

What the Dr Hadwen Trust has done, for many years, is to directly fund medical research, which is so very important for the Nation’s Health, by encouraging scientists to discover alternative testing models without the use of animals. This is a quantum leap and an even greater bonus for us humans because the results of research without using a single animal have proven, and continue to confirm, that these alternative methods produce more statistically sound models, are more robust and are totally relevant to humans. This is because, fundamentally, humans and animals do not have the same physiology, full stop!

The ground-breaking models including computer-based 3D models developed by the scientists who have been totally funded by the Dr Hadwen Trust use only human tissue. This human tissue does not come at a high cost as the tissue is usually an unwanted by-product of, for example, as part of a routine operation on a person to remove cancerous tissue.

I truly hope that the Dr Hadwen Trust is recognised for what it has done in the past and what it can do for us and animal welfare in the future. It is unbelievable that it continues to fund important medical research without any Government, European or other external funding.

The Trust is a very small organisation – a team of 6 people including the CEO - which delivers BIG! Everything it achieves emanates from its team and Trustees. None of the fantastic achievements and advancement in medical research without using animals would have happened without income and legacies from its loyal supporters and volunteers. Every penny that it spends is carefully thought through as to how it can gain a maximum return on investment. It does not have large budgets to spend on advertising and television commercials and that is why many people in the UK have not heard of the Dr Hadwen Trust.

Should the Dr Hadwen Trust win this accolade of The Best Local Business, then this would go a very long way to helping it increase public awareness of its achievements and future aims. Surely, that would be a good thing for all of us!

Cynthia Rich
In February 2013, Matthew R said about The Victoria Public House
The Vic is like a family home, full of lovely people, both staff and guests. Whatever life throws at you, a trip to the Vic makes you smile and you're sure to laugh your problems away.
In February 2013, Vimal S said about Animal Free Research UK
This wonderful charity campaigns simultaneously for two extremely important issues, animal rights and medical research, and is making progress on ending scientific animal experimentation whilst continuing to achieve medical breakthroughs, both of which should matter to us all. The recent establishment of the world's first chair in animal replacement science is further evidence of the fantastic work they are doing. I am proud to support their work - keep it up!
In February 2013, m m said about Animal Free Research UK
I love Dr Hadwen Trust because their work not only protects animals from cruel and needless experiments, but is changing the way we test the safety of new medicines, by creating cutting edge technology and software.
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