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In February 2014, Ruth J said about Animal Free Research UK
I love the fact that supporting them reduced both animal and human suffering - you can't get better then that!
In February 2014, valerie b said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr.Hadwen Trust has projects in most universities which scientifically prove non-animal methods of testing drugs and suchlike. As we are NOT animals (and many have died as a result of drugs being proven successful when tested on animals) this is very important for the future of medicine.They are a wonderful organisation and I have been a member for many years, having previously canvassed for non-animal experiments in a programme run by a humanitarian with the same views as myself. I cannot express enough how very vital the work of the Dr.Hadwen Trust is to the future of mankind
In February 2014, Julia W said about Animal Free Research UK
DHT is applying groundbreaking forward thinking science to solve human diseases - all without the use of animals. Each project they are involved in comes up with more answers than decades of cruel animal experiments - which makes sense because if you want to find a cure for human diseases you need to experiment on human cells - not rabbits, goats, ducks, dogs, cats etc. It's a win win situation - for people, and animals.
In February 2014, Gwyn C said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust offers a humane and effective way forward in medical research. In a truly compassionate world the use of animals in experiments cannot be justified. The Trust has made huge progress in medical research withoutthe suffering of animals. Research bodies the world over should follow their example .
In February 2014, Andrew T said about Animal Free Research UK
I love that the DHT care about animal welfare and that they recognize the fact that research using animals is both ethically and scientifically unsound. I also loved working for the DHT several years ago as a volunteer; even though my work was unpaid it was still the most rewarding work that I have ever done.
In February 2014, Gail W said about Animal Free Research UK
I'm so happy to support DHT - as, in the 21st Century we should no longer be using animals in successful medical research. Hitchin should be proud to have it's HQ
In February 2014, Robin B said about The Blue Tree Company
Fred and Brian did a great job in reducing our rather large sycamore and removing a number of trees in our wood. Left the site tidy too. Would definitely recommend them.
In February 2014, Steven M said about Animal Free Research UK
They are a fantastic organisation that striving to replace animal testing with alternate and more accurate testing methods, thus advancing medical science in the process.
In February 2014, Erica R said about Animal Free Research UK
I have supported the Dr Hadwen Trust since I found out about the great work it does, which is humane research for medical science. This brilliant trust has been funding many new scientific projects to replace cruel, inaccurate experiments on animals. The humane methods used instead of animal experiments include: MEG brain scanner, computer models and NORINA- the most comprehensive database of alternatives to using animals in education. I strongly oppose experiments on animals as it is not only cruel and painful for animals, but often data from animal experiments can be false and inaccurate. I will carry on supporting the Dr Hadwen Trust and hope that this wonderful work will keep expanding until eventually all animal experiments are replaced!!
In February 2014, Rachel A said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust is an amazing charity as it replaces animals in medical research with more human-relevant research. This means that its primary purpose is to help humans but does not inflict unnecessary pain and suffering on animals in the process. This charity is wonderful, I really do hope it wins.
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