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In February 2014, Susan R said about Animal Free Research UK
I love this business because it strives to end all animal testing in the name of medical research and has made vast strides forward in find cures without any animal suffering.
In February 2014, Carol M said about Animal Free Research UK
It is the UK's leading non-animal medical research charity.It funds and promotes non-animal techniques and procedures.The tests they do include tissue engineering and microbiology.They do these experiments for many diseases including cancer,brain disorders and asthma.I love this charity because I hate the thought of animals being experimented on
In February 2014, Truly S said about Animal Free Research UK
Fantastic leading non animal medical research charity who I can trust with my donations.
In February 2014, J A said about Animal Free Research UK
The work they do saves animals as well as humans. Animals do not produce the same results as humans would, therefore animal experiments cause pointless suffering in the fight against human illness.
In February 2014, Jo N said about Animal Free Research UK
A great charity raising awareness and supporting humane research for the benefit of people and animals. This a unique and pioneering organisation and Hitchin should be very proud to be the home of it's Headquarters.
In February 2014, Sandra G said about Animal Free Research UK
Animal testing is both cruel and unnecessary, especially now there are so many alternatives. The Dr Hadwen Trust works tirelessly to promote and raise funds for the replacement of animal experiments and is led by scientists in various medical fields who agree that animal experimentation is not acceptable. DHT highlights the research and development carried out using alternative methods of testing and proves it is possible - it is certainly more ethical. Even "normal" science has proven that animals do react the same way as humans under the same experimental conditions, so even on a logical basis there is no place for vivisection in today's world. Long may the work of DHT continue, and to help enable this I became a life member many years ago.
In February 2014, Rose W said about Animal Free Research UK
It's animal friendly by refusing to subscribe to animal use in research. However it promotes research into human illnesses based on non animal methods. They have persevered with this ethical approach despite the recent increase in animal experimentation and pressure from big companies.
Excitingly their approach has yielded very positive outcomes and is now becoming accepted more widely within university research departments.
How brilliant is that .research tailored to helping humans yet without cruelty and suffering to animals.
That's why they are the best.
In February 2014, Christine M said about Animal Free Research UK
I agree with their policy that the best way forward in medical research is to replace the use of animals to save them from pain and suffering and advance better, more human-relevant, science.
In February 2014, Hazel R said about Animal Free Research UK
It is a charity that does credible work and focuses on the scientific argument for not testing on animals, rather than the emotional argument which is too easily countered by those in favour of animal testing. It is a charity that supports my own ethical viewpoints and produces real results.
In February 2014, Linda F said about Animal Free Research UK
They do amazing cruelty-free research to help find a cure for various illnesses such as cancer without having to subject animals to painful and sometimes invasive experiments. They deserve to win.
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