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In February 2013, Frances W said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr. Hadwen Trust have remained true to their objective to raise funds, build, staff and equip an institute within the UK to provide facilities for scientists to carry on their researches the only true way forward, without torturing animals. They also encourage, support and assist throughout the medical world to seek out and discover new treatments.

It brings the only meaningful way forward firmly into focus in mainstream science.

They issue their own News magazine so supporters can follow their latest successes but I think their genuine popularity is reflected by the ways kind people raise funds and awareness by their marathons, climbs, street collections and so forth.

Well Done!

May it always succeed so that cruel vivisection will become a horror of the past.
In February 2013, Judy C said about Animal Free Research UK
The Trust benefits both people and animals by funding medical experiments and research. They do not use animals, and their work is proven to be more valuable to the study of human illness and disease than research that does use other species.
In February 2013, Kathy W said about Animal Free Research UK
The cruelty involved in using animals to test drugs and products is totally unacceptable in the 21st century. DHT research alternatives to this. Millions of animals are tortured with very little cures for anything as the outcome. Many experiments are repeated time and time again just so a new student can try them even though they have been proven worthless. I first heard about DHT when a friend asked me to sign a petition. Being an animal lover I knew a few people who would sign but what truly amazed me was the amount of people who asked to sign. People where actually knocking on my door to sign becasue they had heard I knew of an alternative to vivisection! I filled 20 sheets x 20 signatures per sheet in a matter of days with hardly any effort on my part. This really was an eye opener for me as I did not realise the amount of people who want an end to vivisection. within a few years the DHT will be a household name in the UK and possibly in the world because they are about compassion and that cannot be beaten.
In February 2013, tez e said about The White Wardrobe
well all i can say is the service by Nicola and her staff is absolutly brilliant! my sister got married last year and the way in which we were all treated and looked after was truely amazing. was totally happy with the way in which you were made to feel. she made you feel comfortable and gave you all the help and honest advice with fittings and what looked good for my figure. so i would certainly recommend the use of the white wardrobes service. if your looking for someone to make you look gorgeous for your special day then look no furthur!! white wardrobe all the way :@) teresa evans shropshire
In February 2013, Sarah B said about The White Wardrobe
Nicola has a real flair for making brides look and feel a millioo dollars and has a lot of experience - so she can give really great advice. The shop is a friendly place to visit but full of loveliness. I would definitely recommend that anyone getting married makes an appointment. Make your special day magical with a dress which really flatters you. You'll get a great service from the White Wardrobe for sure.
In February 2013, Sarah A said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust is one of the few reliable charities in which you feel confident that any money donated is effecively spent towards the aims of the charity. And what laudible goals the charity has; that of benefiting both humans and animals through the development of cutting-edge non-animal research methodologies. Through provision of research grants, and the promotion and education in the scientific, political and public communities, the DHT has become one of the world leading exponents of non-animal research and is consulted internationally for its expertise in replacement research methods by scientists, governments, education, animal welfare organisations and industry. Few charities can be as proud of their achievements than the DHT!
In February 2013, Jo G said about Animal Free Research UK
They do a unique job that's really important. Testing on animals de-humanises us all, even though the people who conduct the tests undoubtedly do so to help humans. The Dr Hadwen Trust promotes sensible and realistic alternatives to animal testing and educate us all in the process.
In February 2013, Zoe W said about Animal Free Research UK
We live in the 21st Century and need charities like DHT to make this statement valid unfortunately. It is barbaric to still be testing on animals when this charity proves there are indeed alternatives to this murder. It is obvious to anyone that vivisection is not reliable when considering human DNA. Animal testing has failed to find cures for widespread illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer so it does not work! The Dr Hadwen Trust does a fantastic job in promoting cruelty free practice to find true cures to many ailments. They are evidence that we do not need to be killing millions of innocent lives a year in the United Kingdom alone. Animal experimentation must stop because it is inhumane and does not work. The Dr Hadwen Trust is a lifeline for these poor animals locked in laboratories.
In February 2013, Pam R said about Animal Free Research UK
I love that DHT fund humane medical research and so help people AND animals!
In February 2013, Dawn L said about Animal Free Research UK
They work tirelessly to replace the use of animals in research by developing alternative methods. Animal experimentation is unreliable, inefficient, cruel and unnecessary in this day and age. Dr Hadwen Trust's work will and has prevented the deaths and suffering of many animals. They deserve the award!!
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