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In February 2013, v h said about Animal Free Research UK
Animals are notoriously unrepresented. This charity is a fantastic example of a charity that not only raises funds to help current animals suffering, they are also funding and working hard to develop viable alternatives to animal testing for medicine. Animal testing is unreliable and has led to human deaths - non animal alternatives are vital, but very underfunded. The Dr Hadwen Trust are a really important source of knowledge and funding - an extremely worthy cause.
In February 2013, Gerry V said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen goes where our political leaders fear to tread! The subject of non-animal medical research is a hugely tricky and emotive area, generating vastly polarised arguments which all too often end in anger and deadlock as each side 'digs in'.

The Trust is seeking to establish cut-through, recognising the need to advance the cause of medical research - which benefits both humans and animals - while exploring viable alternatives, which one day may end the pain and suffering undoubtedly caused by animal experimentation.

It offers a clear vision, articulated in a credible, intelligent voice - and with advances such as creating the world’s first professorial chair in animal replacement science, it is demonstrating the value of working with the scientific community rather than against them. Ultimately, I am sure that both sides of the experimentation argument would agree that it would be better not to have to depend on expensive, often unreliable testing that all too often invokes such an unpopular public backlash. The Trust is promoting and funding practical steps forward to ensure this vision becomes a reality.
In February 2013, Katie C said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust is not only making a better world for the animals used in medical experiments, but also for humans who trust and rely on modern medicine. DHT are creating innovations in non-animal experiments to make sure that those drugs seen as fit for consumption when tested on animals, but which went on to harm on kill humans, do not make it onto the market. They are a friendly, approachable, hard-working charity and one of my favourite charities, and which I fundraise for regularly.
In February 2013, Jane B said about Animal Free Research UK
I love the Dr Hadwen Trust because it delivers the very best of both worlds: funding medical research without inflicting pain and suffering on animals
In February 2013, Erica B said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwyn Trust is doing an amazing job of funding and promoting medical research without the use of cruel and unreliable experiments using animals. I give school talks on vivisection and it is great that I can point interested students to Dr Hadwyn where there is so much valid information on this subject. They are bringing about a change that is so desperately needed
In February 2013, Pete J said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust is helping to create a more civilised world where we treat other animals with the respect they deserve, whilst at the same time, helping to improve human health.
In February 2013, Sally C said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust is a wonderful charity which conducts life-saving medical research but never uses animals in its tests. Instead, Dr Hadwen has been instrumental in finding alternatives to animal testing and has saved many lives without cruelty to animals. If you love animals and want to help people as well, this is a fantastic charity to support!
In February 2013, Catherine P said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen Trust for humane research is ahead of its time and a special organisation. Leading non animal testing into the future.

In view of what has happened, highlighted in the news, regarding horse meat in our foods, this draws attention to what we don't see or know what happens to our foods, cosmetics and medicines.

Testing on animals is an unknown dark art and DHT is highlighting the unnecessary practice by successfully not doing this.

Catherine PM
In February 2013, Nikolaos D said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research is a medical research charity of worldwide reputation which funds the development of state-of-the-art techniques in biomedical research and testing. In particular, it is an international driving force in replacing ethically and medically problematic animal tests with modern, high-tech methods.
In February 2013, Tamsin C said about Animal Free Research UK
Promotes progress for people without exploiting animals. Good for our health AND our souls AND our animals.
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