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In February 2013, Ruth C said about Animal Free Research UK
In this 21st century, research is a highly emotive issue.

People no longer believe it is acceptable to harm animals in experiments but
are made to feel that it is a necessary evil to find cures for human diseases.

Those who now question the ethics of it are often ridiculed.

The Dr. Hadwen Trust tirelessly funds and supports forward thinking scientists and organisations that already use non-animal research methods and/or are developing them.

This has to be the future of ethical research and I believe that, if all scientists concentrated on developing non-animal methods, the most wonderful discoveries and cures would soon follow.

The Dr. Hadwen Trust is a wonderful charity that cares deeply about people and animals and are working hard to make the world a better place for all of us.
In February 2013, Kathy F said about Animal Free Research UK
The Trust has done an amazing job in promoting non-animal research, proving that cruel animal testing has no part in modern medical practice.
In February 2013, Geoff H said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust funds the development of non-animal based methods of medical research and works to raise awareness of the need to replace the use of animals in medical experiments with more relevant and humane alternatives. The Dr Hadwen Trust continues to make an invaluable contribution towards reducing and ultimately ending the suffering of animals in medical research, and towards the progression of medical science.
In February 2013, Carmel B said about Animal Free Research UK
They do a great job in helping us get safe medicines, aswell as preventing animals suffering needlessly
In February 2013, Elaine J said about Animal Free Research UK
I think they are great because they help scientists to research into many diseases which affect human beings without a single animal being harmed.
In February 2013, Zoe F said about Animal Free Research UK
It is so important to support a charity that does vital research into life-threatening human diseases, knowing that no laboratory animals are going to suffer in the process. This is the future of medical research and will lead to breakthroughs in medicine far quicker than using animals to experiment on.
In February 2013, Joanna D said about Animal Free Research UK
Their sole aim as well as ending the use of animals in experimentation is to actively look for and promotie cruelty-free and scientifically proven alternatives.
In February 2013, Rose W said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen's Trust is an ethical research company and charity which has pioneered and promoted alternatives to animal research and is based in Hitchen.

It is funded by donations, legacies and the selling of goods from its shop.

By being focused, determined and true to its ethics it has developed approaches using human cells and computer generated models in the areas of breast and skin cancers, kidney disease and asthma. This has meant that viable alternatives which do not use animals have been found and accepted within the scientific community.

If you want to support a business which is ethical and benefits both humans and animals choose DHT. Go on line and either become a donor and or see what is on offer in their shop.
Its the best way to give to a charity whilst funding research which does not involve cruelty to animals but which has proven benefits both actual and emergent in a range of human medical conditions and diseases.
In February 2013, Louise C said about Animal Free Research UK
There are so many ways to advance medical research without harming animals but, historically, very little money has been put into that area of research. Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research is at the forefront in bucking that trend. Every project which enhances human health & saves needless cruelty & loss of life to animals can only be a good thing. Hitchin should be very proud!
In February 2013, Catriona P said about Animal Free Research UK
This organisation works tirelessly to further medical knowledge through research which does not involve the use of animals. They fund non-animal medical research projects for cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers to name just a few plus since 1970 they have funded over 140 projects to replace animal experiments in medical research. They help to save countless human and animal lives. What could be better than that!
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