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In February 2013, Janey B said about Animal Free Research UK
As a vegan I hope that one day there will be no medical experiments conducted on animals. Meanwhile the
Dr Hadwen Trust funds and promotes new developmental techniques to replace the use of animals. It also has some highly respected patrons!
In February 2013, Katharina S said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hardwen Trust is commited to one of the best causes imaginable, the replacement of animal testing with humane research methods. They fully deserve any support available!
In February 2013, KAYE W said about Animal Free Research UK
The Dr Hadwen Trust really care about people and finding cures for our ailments. They sponsor scientists doing research without experimenting on animals. This is what I really admire. The Trust doesn't tow the corrupt establishment line. They are prepared to shout out loud that vivisection is scientifically flawed in trying to find cures for human illness. And they are prepared to put their limited funding where their hearts lie - in the truth.
In February 2013, Jo N said about Animal Free Research UK
This charity provides essential scientific evidence to support the reduction and replacement of animals in medical research. Most people agree that the use of animals for tests in cosmetics is morally wrong but find it more difficult to argue the case for their use in medical research, the DHT clearly demonstrates the viability of humane research as a benefit to humans and animals alike. It has a refreshing ability to educate and inform without being agressive or patronising. The charity is totally committed to the cause and engages the public and supporters in a positive and fun way to raise funds which are largley used to sponsor hospital and university based projects to research, treat and cure numerous medical conditions. A worthy candidate for recognition!
In February 2013, Alison H said about Animal Free Research UK
Dr Hadwen Trust is stopping animals being tortured and traumatised needlessly in the name of 'science'.

I trust Dr Hadwen Trust to always do the right thing ethically by our fellow animals.

I agree that every creature feels pain and fear and I don't want my medicine to cure me when it has terrorised another animal.

I don't want my gain to be their pain.
In February 2013, Julie M said about Animal Free Research UK
As a passionate "sofa campaigner" for animal rights and welfare, I was delighted to discover the Dr Hadwen Trust some years ago. I was surprised that the leading body for alternative and humane research is on our doorstep, when charities are usually based in London in what is certain to be expensive and luxurious locations. The work done by the Trust has to be one of the most ethical and logical projects to support; when evidence proves animal experiments are both unreliable and dated when alternatives are available and endorsed by professional scientists. A wonderful example of their work is a recent project supported by Brian May at Parliament where the Trust and Queen Mary, University of London have joined forces to create the first Professorial Chair in animal replacement science at Blizard Institute in London:

Surely this massive leap forward for science, research and the ethical development of medical practice and treatments is enough to qualify this wonderful organisation for this award!!
In February 2013, Hella G said about Animal Free Research UK
The charity uses state of the art,innovative,modern technology to find vital cures for cancer, heart disease,Alzheimer's and a host of other diseases,potentially saving the lives of millions of animals who are currently brutally exploited,injured and killed in vain.It degrades each and every one of us to allow the status quo,ie. vivisection, to continue.Each individual Life is precious-whether it belongs to the human or the non-human animal.
In February 2013, Andy B said about Animal Free Research UK
This charity which was founded in 1970 does a fantatsic job in funding & promoting scientific procedures without the use of animals in medical research.

It is the UK's leading charity in this field and is internationally reknowned for the work it does and is funded only by charitable donations. It works by providing grants to Scientists at Hospitals, Universities and other research institutions to investigate a more humane / ethical approach by replacing animals in medical research and testing. Grants are only provided if the the work is of high scientific value and proves to have potential in the use of a more reliable human model instead of using animals.

They work very hard in promoting their cause and to date have awarded in excess of 140 grants for projects using human-related techniques in the medical research of Cancer, Diabetes and Asthma to name but a few.

For all of these reasons that is why I am member of DHT and a great admirer of the work they do.
In February 2013, Linda F said about Animal Free Research UK
The charity's main aims are to replace animal experiments by implementing ethical and more human-relevant methods of research such as in vitro models using human cells and tissue. People are becoming more aware that successful alternatives to animal testing are available today and this charity is helping to lead the way and I highly recommend them for this reason.
In February 2013, Marlene B said about Animal Free Research UK
any charity that helps animals always has my number one vote but this charity is striving to get alternatives to animala in testing etc.i believe all animal testing is wrong whatever the out come no living creature should have to suffer to save another especially when there are many vote Dr Hadwen Trust :)
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