Hypnotic Gastric Band
21st September 2011
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                                   Hypnotic Gastric Band

 The NHS reported, in 2009, that a quarter of all adults in the UK were clinicly obese. But now, it seems, youngsters are worried about it too.

 The media reports that  the number of teenagers who have had a gastric band operation has gone up by three times in three years.

 There could be a number of reasons for this. The lifestyle of teens encourages them to eat cheaply - so that they can save for clothes or drinks - and fast food is low cost. When they do eat it tends to be on the run, and processed foods are full of additives. Even if they seem to be getting their three meals a day sensibly, all of us are continuously stimulated to eat food outside of mealtimes - through advertising and packaging. Teens may find gyms boring and repetitive, and be put off by the cost.

 The risks associated with obesity are many - Type 2 Diabetes, Gallstones, Osteoarthritis, Stroke, Heart Attack, Gout, Heart Disease, and several types of cancer.

 Gastric Band Surgery Involves fitting a band near the top of the stomach restricting the amount of food that can pass down to the lower part. the top part of the stomach fills up quickly, making patients feel full. It costs upwards of £7000, and involves long waiting lists.

 It is possible to hypnotise people into believing that they have had a gastic band fitted, and the success of this  Hypnotic Gastric Band process has been published in the media.

 This process carries no operative risk, no pain, no waiting list, is done at a fraction of the operative cost, and can achieve the same results.

 Of course , the Hypnotic Gastric Band does not wave a magic wand - those who take part do take on responsibility for diet and exercise, but bad eating habits can bem overcome, and self esteem raised.

 for further information on the Hypnotic Gastric Band click on Effective Hypnosis

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

Matthew started to train in Hypnotherapy over twenty -five years ago - having already completed over ten years in the counselling field. When he qualified, in 1999, he founded Effective Hypnosis....

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