Social media, it’s not about the message but the conversation that follows
21st July 2010
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Conversations not messages are important in real time as well as on social media, by delivering consistent momentum developing continuous dialogue your information will reach further.

Forget the technologies for a moment and concentrate on the people in your network and how you normally communicate in a genuine informative authentic manner to gain their trust, respect and loyalty. The internet and social media platforms are no different to real time meetings when you listen and share knowledge and experiences.  So don’t go on social media platforms to push messages out, go there to invite engaging interaction and participation.

Listen before you talk,  take the first 20 names from your mailing list, search for them on Google or with a little more time on Twitter, Facebook or Linked In.  If they appear to be active in these areas then simply click a few links and see what they are doing, where they are doing it, why they are doing it and who is interacting with them.

Start simply listening and monitoring what goes on in discussions and comments that you have found.  Search for competitors or businesses that influence you, see what they are doing too, listen to comments about what they are doing focus on how they engage online, bookmark and note what you could do and replicate from the more active and popular discussions.

By listening online to what people are talking about whether in your industry sector or personal pastimes you will find discussions you can participate in.  You will then start to follow people who will help broaden your skills and experiences as well as your understanding of your market or audience.

As you start to add information yourself people will start to follow you and what you say.  Becoming known as an influential source of information will heighten awareness of what you do and who you are, delivering people to your core content whether personal profiles or a business website.

The natural development of this activity will mean the growth of your own community or network. Further engagement will start to deliver your message to their networks who will soon become your fans, followers and friends.

Word of mouth is still the best referral system and online activity is no different from real time, with conversations being are shared with fans, followers and friends and seen by their fans, followers and friends.

About the Author

Mark L

Member since: 13th December 2010

Helping you develop and manage your online presence effectively. With social media strategies that help you to listen, engage and interact with your customers or clients.

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