News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Take a look at some of the great events happening around us this weekend!
Do you Know a Local Hero? The Community Inspiration Awards are an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of ordinary people who are achieving extraordinary things and changing the world where they are. In 2015, our Year of Reinvigorating Trust, these awards are a great way to celebrate the contribution of people who work tirelessly to make our neighbourhoods better places to live.”
THE HILL RISE ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION ST IVES GARDENING CLUB. This week is National Gardening Week run by the RHS, with lots of lovely gardens open around the country. However are you like me and dont know your dandelion from your daffodil? I really admire gardeners, their passion is quite infectious so if you are one of those happy souls you might be interested to know that our LOCAL GARDENING CLUB is seeking new members.
Funding For Youth Groups
Funding For Youth Groups
Local Youth Groups Can Apply for Grants of up to £300 from Cambridgeshire Children's Trust.
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