20th June 2016
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We all have fat days. 

We all have days when we feel bloated and frumpy. Days when not only our hair is bad, but our skin, our digestion, our mood; all so bad we feel like a foul-breathed chimera. 

And we still have to do our job. 

So it’s useful to have an outfit ready that always makes us feel good. An outfit that skims tactfully over that tender tummy, in a colour that makes the most of our eyes and complexion but the least of the spots. An outfit that allows us to show off our (appropriate) assets which remain unaffected by the horrors of emotion, hormones, wheat or simply too much takeaway food combined with white wine. 

It’s worth taking the time to put something together that works for you. I’m wearing mine today (hides the tummy and stops in time for the legs) and I’m always ready to help you with yours. 

So rather than stare at the wardrobe why not give Mary a call?

Her job is making you look and feel good about the way you look from the inside out. 

About the Author

Nikki S

Member since: 7th March 2015

I'm Nikki Stock and I am passionate about our local area and what is happening here. I hope you find my blogs informative and useful - please do comment and if you would like to write some great!!

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