Engineering Consultants in Jersey

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Engineering Consultants in Jersey
T & G Limited
T&G Ltd are able to assist Jersey Clients with Consultancy & guidance on matters surrounding the development of construction work. Some examples of this service include: full structural and civil design including drainage, ensuring compliance with Building Control requirements including SER Certification, independent checking of structural calculations, support of a funder’s requirement to monitor the performance of a design and build contractor.
Richard Lumborg said
A great company that provides sound engineering solutions that work, knowing the complexities and constraints that are required on an island like Jersey.
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A great company that provides sound engineering solutions that work, knowing the complexities and constraints that are required on an island like Jersey.

Richard Lumborg
T & G Limited
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Cambrette Care
E F Le Gresley Stonemasons Ltd.
United Electrical Contractors
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Little Oaks Nursery
BDK Architects
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