Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled
  • 4 La Ville au RoiRue de TrachySt.HelierJersey
    JE2 3JR
Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled, a Jersey charity organisation offering fantastic support to disabled people with an interest in sport.

Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled, a Jersey registered charity supporting Jersey people

On average in the region of 150 Jersey member participate in, or support, the sporting opportunities organised by the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled (JSAD). In addition there are a number of Jersey clubs that are affiliated to JSAD, such as the Jersey Special Gymnastics Club and DIPS (Disabled in Pools)


Since the early days JSAD has grown into one of Jersey’s largest sporting organisations offering a wide range of sports to all age and disability ranges.

Funding and donations

As a Charitable Organisation the JSAD is extremely grateful for both the financial and hands on support of Investec Trust (Jersey) Ltd who have recently agreed to help and support the Association, however there is still a need for additional funding and donations.   We are always extremely grateful for any donations, large or small.  JSAD could not provide the services we offer without the support of Jersey individuals and businesses.

A helping hand

JSAD are always looking for volunteers resident in Jersey who are interested in helping their members.  No special skills are necessary, but patience and a good sense of humour are essential! 

New Members

JSAD also always welcome new members who would like to take part in any form of sport.  Our main focus is on having fun and participating at whatever level is appropriate.

Anyone willing to assist the Jersey Sports Association, a  leading Jersey Charity, with donations, support or wishing to take part or requiring further information should contact the Association.


Latest Reviews

Very pleased to recommend JSAD, they do great work and offer lots of sporting opportunities for the disabled in Jersey.
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